From the Rocking Chair & Other Poems
Photo Courtesy | Jacqueline Hernandez Lewis
It’s 3 a.m.
I’m exhausted beyond belief
Trying to rock you back to sleep
Reminding myself:
Babies don’t keep . . .
Babies don’t keep . . .
Babies do not keep . . .
And I love you beyond belief
But can you pretty please
Just go back to sleep?
Photo Courtesy | Jacqueline Hernandez Lewis
At drop off
Then pick up
At play time
Then dinner time
At bath time
Then bed time
He shouts, “Daddy!”
And, tired, I am relieved
But it’s bittersweet, admittedly
Because not long ago,
There was a time
When he shouted “Mommy!”
There was a time
When he wanted me
And only me
And though, at times,
It was overwhelming
It was comforting, too
To feel like his favorite
Now his favorite is you
Photo Courtesy | Jacqueline Hernandez Lewis
Have I ever told you about the morning it was pouring (both rain and Mom tears)?
We were running early for drop-off until I realized my husband accidentally took the car keys
Hurriedly searching and stressed, I couldn’t find the extra set
Running late in the rain, I pushed the stroller holding all three kids so none would get wet
Then, a godsend —
A classmate’s mom drove past, turned around, and asked,
“How can I help you?”
And she took my oldest to school
Now, no matter where our paths take us, I’ll forever remember her, helping me, that morning it was pouring
JACQUELINE HERNANDEZ LEWIS is a former attorney turned work-from-home communications leader. She has dedicated her career thus far to working in public service. She is also a lifestyle and parenting writer, as well as the founder and owner of Moments of Musing, a creative communications brand focused on womanhood and motherhood. Of all her roles, being a wife and a mom to her three children are her favorite.